Sunday May 22, 2022

EP55: Unmasking Subconscious Roots of Trauma

Facing our trauma is not easy. It's not fun. It's not something we look forward to when we plan our day. That said, I highly encourage you to start the process. How can we live a life unlocked if we are still in bondage to an experience or consistent low-grade neglect from our past? This episode sheds light on the foundational truths of our personalities, how we relate to ourself, and even the scientific application/explanation of what truly happens when we face trauma. 

This isn't a moment to compare traumas saying "they had it worse than I", or "I'm permanently damaged because of what they did to me." Rather, it's an opportunity to recognize the systems that our mind set in place to protect us from ever getting hurt again, and uprooting it from our subconscious. Let's reframe our circumstance, reinforce the truth that yes, we are safe, and that there is hope for a bright future.


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Thank you so much for the lovely comment! I’m so grateful this has been a help in your journey!

Thursday Jun 09, 2022

Thank you Shannon for this talk and important information!! It has been so helpful!! Thanks so much and God bless you!!

Thursday May 26, 2022

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